Thursday, April 25, 2013
To my Favorite Jesus Girls, Family, Friends:
My heart is bursting! Approximately four years ago I entered into a glorious and precious relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a relationship that cannot be justified with words and continues to intensify with every breath He gives me.
Today as I write this, I don't know what the future holds. I do know that my heart is on fire for Him. There is an urgency in my being that I cannot explain. It is mighty and powerful ~ it is insatiable. It is desire.
In a herculean attempt to absorb everything possible and to quench my thirst for this new found knowledge of the King, I have read a massive number of books. My book shelves overflow in never-ending waves. The days of James Patterson have gone. Yet Today, it is still not enough! I continue to read, I lead online bible studies, I blog, I work closely with the recovery community, I participate in local and international missions but the desire just grows stronger with each passing day! It has been my prayer for the past year that God mold me and make me. That He guide me and direct me. That He make clear to me why my cup runneth over, but I continue to thirst. Night after night my prayer comes from Isaiah 64:8:
But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.
God has been molding me with his potter's hands. Molding me into a model of His own creation, a creation with work to be done for His kingdom. Our relationship has changed - He has taken me from his newborn child into His disciple and I'm bursting with the need to take this story and share it with the world. My heart is swollen and my brain on overload with the desire to plant seeds ~ to change lives. To step out in the name of my Father in ministry.
I have a story to tell, much like each of us. It doesn't include sexual abuse, or drug addiction, but the story of death that left a young, precious child of God lost and feeling abandoned, struggling to find a purpose and place in this big world, a struggle that lasted years. A struggle that was part of God's Amazing Grace, His plan - but a plan misunderstood.
Our children are hurting. Tragedies continue day after day in their lives. Drugs to conquer pain, promiscuity to feel loved, children with a fear so deep they can't speak and go through life mute. Tragedies that ultimately lead them astray, away from the narrow road to a pathway of destruction.
Our Heavenly Father SAVES! The knowledge of Him, His love, His Word brings freedom. It provides light to the lost, empowers the weak, and gives voice to the muted one. I stand saved today. Saved by the Mercy and Grace he so graciously blankets upon us every day of our lives and He has shown me purpose.
Last year at this time I felt led to join Proverbs 31 Ministries for a Writer/Speaker conference in Charlotte. However, as time passed, I no longer felt the path was meant for me. His work with me was still in progress. This year, I am as sure as I can possibly be that I am meant to be there - for the Writer's Track. I prayed and prayed - almost waiting too long to say "OK GOD, I GOT IT! I hear you"! This conference provides the education and knowledge I need to take my journey to the next level. To learn how to put my story on paper and then how to share it with the young people of the world. God has been working on my heart fast and furiously - the pressure building within my heart and soul - quite explosive. I have work to be done in response.
I cannot do this on my own. I would be honored and humbled if you would consider praying for me as I begin the next steps. Pray that God will continue to show me His desired direction, and that everything I do on this journey will only bring him glory. He is my Rock. He gave me life. He continues to mold me every day. It is for Him I live.
In order for me to attend this conference, there is a financial goal that must be reached. I would like to ask you to pray that if this is where I am supposed to be that God will allow the financial need to be met. This conference provides 3 days of classes with authors, publishers, and speakers. A chance to learn HOW to put my story on paper in a form that will catch the eye of the struggling young girl or boy and lead them to Jesus with just a seed. With Faith. Today I have drawn a circle around this financial need.
In Mark Batterson's book 'The Circle Maker', Mark talks about Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears. Of circling them as Joshua led his men at Jericho, seven times around the city.
On the seventh day, they got up at daybreak and marched around the city seven times in the same manner, except that on that day they circled the city seven times. The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city! Joshua 6:15-16
May 6th I will be in the Proverbs 31 office. I will walk the grounds and pray while I am there. Although the conference is not held there, many of the authors, speakers, and the Online Bible study team is on staff there. It is the knowledge of this team that will help me in taking the next step in my journey.
If you would like to help me take this next step and be a part of an answered prayer, donations are accepted. The Conference and Hotel Package is going to cost $1005 total. This includes a double occupancy room, food, and class materials Thursday - Saturday. There is no dollar amount too small. Every dime will go to bring Him glory and help me to share the gospel with others. It is tax deductible.
In God's Precious Love, Kelley Murphy
**To donate please mail checks to me at:
Kelley B. Murphy
6872 E Peach Road
Ridgeway, SC 29130
Private Message me on FB if you prefer to make donation via debit or credit card 'Kelley Blair Murphy'
Note: Proverbs 31 is no longer able to accept direct donations due to the large volume.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Stressed-Less Living ~ What is the REAL problem?
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand" Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)
Today's blog is in conjunction with a bible study I am participating in through Proverbs 31 Ministries. Together we are studying the book 'Stressed-Less' Living by Tracie Miles.
Perfect book for me right? Another book on how to live stress free - how many of these do we read or scan in our lifetime. We're truly out to find a remedy to living a 'stressed-less' life. But, is there really such a thing?
Tracie describes stress like this: 'a never ending cycle of emotions' - a vicious cycle! Like being on a merry-go-round that never stops, leaving you feeling trapped in a blur of colorful horses with wide-eyed, evil looks on their faces' - AH HA!
That's it! We go around and around and around and it truly has become the norm for us. We continue spinning out of control, those evil-eyed horses looking us straight in the eyes - however, we can't seem to find any way off the 'ride of life'. Every day something else is added to our already overloaded plate and it grows and grows until it's towering high above us with nowhere to go but into a downward spiral, crashing at our feet as we become unable to do one more thing (or so we think). The truth is, the vicious cycle doesn't stop when that tower crashes to the ground - it's just at that time we have a melt-down - cry, reach out to God, lick our wounds, address our emotions and pick ourselves back up for more of the same. BUT, for me, this is normal! I am the full time employee of a large company doing stressful work, co-owner of our family business (payroll, taxes, paperwork-truly the job of 1 person full time), wife, mother, grandmother, maid, psychologist, laundromat attendant, Sunday school teacher, volunteer ministry worker, and this season it's college advisor/financial aid preparer as well - you name it - I have the title and the duties to go along with it. So, pay somebody to help, right? WRONG - who can afford that? yet... I'm TIRED! Exhausted! How many others have I described today? As I sit here and type this, I honestly cannot think of one thing that I can hand off to someone (that they will take without substantial pay!). If I don't do it, it won't get done. Well then........ the crazy person in my head will not allow something to go undone - especially if that means implications later...truth is, I have enough to do, no way I want to deal with more this wrong?
So, there it is - the REAL issue - this is MY way of life. This is MY normal. This is all I know - what I feel I'm expected to carry out. I see no end in sight. Do I need to make changes? Likely. However, I've spent all week in my head working through how this might ever be possible - I have no resolution. I was taught if you have an issue, make sure you come to the table with a resolution. For this I have none.
Tracie says: 'Willpower comes when there is sufficient information to signify that a change is crucial. The motivation to change can come from Matthew 19:26' - all things are possible with God.
I know it is within Him I will find an answer and that I may not even realize the work being done behind the scenes, but that eventually things will begin slowing down - life won't be like riding a spinning top - and it will be due to my Father in Heaven who has me, even when I feel far, far away. Like our previous study - its necessary to Let Go and Let God. To immerse in His word and find comfort and peace daily in our sometimes unmanageable worlds.
Read Psalm 16 today. Find your peace.
'Lord you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand'...... Psalm 16:5-11
Today my prayer for me, and for each of you is that we seek guidance from the ONE who can provide for our every need. Allow him to be your portion and fill your cup with a remedy not even money can buy!
~ Until the next Chapter! Find a few minutes of Stressed-Less living today!
<3 Kelley
Today's blog is in conjunction with a bible study I am participating in through Proverbs 31 Ministries. Together we are studying the book 'Stressed-Less' Living by Tracie Miles.
Perfect book for me right? Another book on how to live stress free - how many of these do we read or scan in our lifetime. We're truly out to find a remedy to living a 'stressed-less' life. But, is there really such a thing?
Tracie describes stress like this: 'a never ending cycle of emotions' - a vicious cycle! Like being on a merry-go-round that never stops, leaving you feeling trapped in a blur of colorful horses with wide-eyed, evil looks on their faces' - AH HA!
That's it! We go around and around and around and it truly has become the norm for us. We continue spinning out of control, those evil-eyed horses looking us straight in the eyes - however, we can't seem to find any way off the 'ride of life'. Every day something else is added to our already overloaded plate and it grows and grows until it's towering high above us with nowhere to go but into a downward spiral, crashing at our feet as we become unable to do one more thing (or so we think). The truth is, the vicious cycle doesn't stop when that tower crashes to the ground - it's just at that time we have a melt-down - cry, reach out to God, lick our wounds, address our emotions and pick ourselves back up for more of the same. BUT, for me, this is normal! I am the full time employee of a large company doing stressful work, co-owner of our family business (payroll, taxes, paperwork-truly the job of 1 person full time), wife, mother, grandmother, maid, psychologist, laundromat attendant, Sunday school teacher, volunteer ministry worker, and this season it's college advisor/financial aid preparer as well - you name it - I have the title and the duties to go along with it. So, pay somebody to help, right? WRONG - who can afford that? yet... I'm TIRED! Exhausted! How many others have I described today? As I sit here and type this, I honestly cannot think of one thing that I can hand off to someone (that they will take without substantial pay!). If I don't do it, it won't get done. Well then........ the crazy person in my head will not allow something to go undone - especially if that means implications later...truth is, I have enough to do, no way I want to deal with more this wrong?
So, there it is - the REAL issue - this is MY way of life. This is MY normal. This is all I know - what I feel I'm expected to carry out. I see no end in sight. Do I need to make changes? Likely. However, I've spent all week in my head working through how this might ever be possible - I have no resolution. I was taught if you have an issue, make sure you come to the table with a resolution. For this I have none.
Tracie says: 'Willpower comes when there is sufficient information to signify that a change is crucial. The motivation to change can come from Matthew 19:26' - all things are possible with God.
I know it is within Him I will find an answer and that I may not even realize the work being done behind the scenes, but that eventually things will begin slowing down - life won't be like riding a spinning top - and it will be due to my Father in Heaven who has me, even when I feel far, far away. Like our previous study - its necessary to Let Go and Let God. To immerse in His word and find comfort and peace daily in our sometimes unmanageable worlds.
Read Psalm 16 today. Find your peace.
'Lord you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay. You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand'...... Psalm 16:5-11
Today my prayer for me, and for each of you is that we seek guidance from the ONE who can provide for our every need. Allow him to be your portion and fill your cup with a remedy not even money can buy!
~ Until the next Chapter! Find a few minutes of Stressed-Less living today!
<3 Kelley
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Must Read Books!
- A Confident Heart, Renee Swope
- An Untroubled Heart, Micca Campbell
- Crazy Love, Frances Chan
- Fit for My King, Sheri Rose Shepherd
- Made to Crave, Lysa TerKeurst
- Radical, David Platt
- Winning Him without Words, Lynn Donovan & Dineen Miller